| ![]() MIL-L-85590(AS)
point. This shall be performed with a dummy MK 40 Rocket Motor or equal in
the corresponding tube. Continuity of each MK 66 firing circuit shall be
tested from the intervalometer connector to the end of the corresponding
MK 66 Rocket Motor contact point. This may be performed with a dummy MK 66
Rocket Motor or equal in the corresponding tube. Continuity of the ground
circuit shall be tested from each power receptacle to the suspension lug in
the hanger beam. With the safety pin inserted, continuity to ground shall
be tested from the power pin in the intervalometer connector to the suspen-
sion lug in the hanger beam. Continuity of the grounding circuit shall be
tested from each ground pin in the intervalometer connector to the suspension
lug in the hanger beam. The launcher shall meet the requirements of Rocket loading. A plug gage simulating a rocket shall be inserted
from the forward end of the tube to the detent. The plug gage shall be 2.800
+0.002,-0.000 inches in diameter for a length of 42.0 0.5 inches and a
straightness deviation of not greater than 0.003 inch. The gage shall either
be of continuous diameter through the length or a series of gaging surfaces
The launcher shall meet the
spaced not greater than 6.0 inches apart.
requirements of Detent pull. A fixture simulating a 2.75-inch rocket with a
groove representing the locking groove on the nozzle and fin assembly shall
be inserted into the tube and locked into place by the detent. The fixture
shall be pulled forward in such a manner that a load of 400 +50, -O pounds
shall be reached in one to two seconds. The launcher shall meet the require-
ments of
4.6.2 Environmental inspection. All launchers of the first article sam-
ple or a randomly selected sample of four launchers from an inspection lot
will be subjected to the following environmental tests in accordance with
Tables II or III, as applicable. Temperature shock. The launcher will be subjected to a temperature
shock test of three complete cycles. The upper temperature extreme will be
+60 +3C (+140 +5F), and the lower temperature extreme will be -40 3C (-40
+5F). Each cycle will consist of raising the internal chamber temperature
To the upper temperature extreme and maintaining for a period of not less
than four hours or until the launcher stabilizes. At the conclusion of this
time period, the launcher will be transferred, within five minutes, to a cold
chamber with an internal chamber temperature maintained at the lower tempera-
ture extreme. The launcher will be exposed to this temperature for a period
To begin the
of not less than four hours or until the launcher stabilizes.
second cycle, the launcher will, within five minutes, be returned to the
hiqh temperature chamber maintained at the upper temperature extreme. After
th~ee full cycles, the launcher will be returned to standard ambient conditions
Upon completion of the test, the tests of,,
and stabilized., and will be performed. The launcher will meet the require-
ments of through
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