| ![]() MIL-L-85590(AS)
The launcher will be mounted on a 14-inch suspension bomb Shock.
rack or simulated bomb rack having 14-inch suspension provisions and sub-
jected to three shocks in each of the positive and negative vertical and
longitudinal axes for a total of 12 shocks. The verical half-sine shock
pulses will have a peak of 10 +0.5g and a 60 to 80 ms duration. The longi-
tudinal half-sine shock pulseswill have a peak of 13.5 +0.5g and a 60 to 80
ms duration. Calibration of shock producing apparatus w~ll be accomplished
by using a dummy test specimen and achieving two consecutive shocks of the
required shape, amplitude, and duration. The applied shock will be measured
midway between the attachment lugs on the bomb rack using an accelerometer
with a flat frequency response within +10 percent from two to 20 Hz. The
accelerometer will have a transverse s~nsitivity of not greater than five
percent, and an amplitude linearity within 10 percent from five to 100
The shock analysis system employed
percent of the peak acceleration amplitude.
will not allow more than a five percent measurement error into the frequency
band of two to 20 Hz.
If filters are used, they will have linear phase
shift characteristics and a pass band within one decibel from two to 20 Hz.
The tests will be performed with the intervalometer in the armed position
with no power applied. The intervalometer index position will be noted before
and after each test. The launcher will meet the requirements of 3.4.2. Upon
completion of the shock test, the tests of,,, and will be performed. The launcher will meet the requirements of
through Transportation vibration. The launchers (which will include the
number of test samples shown in Table II or III, as applicable) will be pal-
letized in accordance with WR-54/174. The pallet will be vibrated along each
of its three axes for 45 +1 minutes of sinusoidal excitation covering the
frequency range of five to 200 to five Hz in 15 1 minutes at a constant amp-
litude of 1.5 g PA. The series of tests will be run once with the launchers
at +60 3C (+140 5F) and once with launchers at -40 3C (-40 5F).
Total time of vibration will be not less than 4.5 hours: The intervalometer
index position will be noted before and after the test. The launcher will
meet the requirements of 3.4.3.
Upon completion of the test, each launcher
will be subjected to the tests of,,, and
The launcher will meet the requirements of through Flight vibration. The launcher will be mounted on a 14-inch
suspension bomb rack or simulated bomb rack having 14-inch suspension provi-
sions and subjected to the following two tests as-specified in- and in accordance with Tables II or III, as applicable. Electrical
contact between any detent contact arm and pin E of J1 or J2 will be continu-
ously monitored during the test. The intervalometer index position will be
noted before and after the test. The launcher will meet the requirements
Upon completion of the test, the launcher will be
of 3.4,4.1 and
subjected to the tests of,,, and The
launcher will meet the requirements of through
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