| ![]() MIL-L-85590(AS) High speed aircraft.
The launcher shall be vibrated along each
of its three axes for 45 +1 minutes of random excitation of 0.020 +0.002
g /Hz covering the frequency range of 10 to 2000 Hz. The series will be
run once with the launcher at +60 +3C (+140 +5F) and once with the launcher
at -40 +3C (-40 +5F). Total vibration timewill be not less-than 4.5
hours. An accelerometer will be attached to the launcher aft bulkhead with
its sensitive axis parallel to the direction of the input vibration to measure
the response of the bulkhead. The vibration input to the suspension bomb
rack will be reduced in amplitude over those frequencies whe ein the response
accelerometer is indicating an amplitude in excess of 0.04 g /Hz. The
response amplitude of the aft bulkhead in these areas of frequency will
then be maintained at 0.02 g 3/Hz +3 decibels. Helicopter.
The launcher, at +22.8 ~10.0C (+73 18F), will
be vibrated in accordance with Table IV. Salt fog.
To ensure compliance with the requirements of 3.4.5,
the launcher will be tested in accordance with MIL-STD-81O, Method 509.
Immediately before the test and following a 48-hour drying period after the
test, the launcher will be subjected to the tests of and
The launcher will meet the requirements of and Fast cook-off.
The loaded launcher will be tested in accordance
with MIL-STD-1648, except the requirement for sound over pressure level meas-
urement will be eliminated.
The launcher will meet the requirements of 3.5.
4.6.3 Functional. Static firing.
The launcher will be suspended from a bomb rack
or simulated bomb rack having 14-inch suspension provisions and test fired.
The potential at the launcher connector will be 22.0 +1.0, -0.0 Vdc and the
current will be not less than three amperes. There will be a 5.0 +0.5 ohm
25 watt limiting resistor in series with the launcher intervalometer. The
firing sequence will consist of two firings of each designated launcher:
One single mode firing followed by one ripple mode firing. During single
mode firing, no rocket will be fired within 60 seconds of firing the pre-
vious rocket. The launcher will meet the requirements of Upon
completion of the static firing, the launcher will be subjected to the tests
of,,, and The launcher will meet the require-
ments of 3.3,1.1 through Flight firing.
Launchers will be installed on a military high
speed aircraft and/or a military helicopter and fired using a simulated combat
flight profile. The launchers will be flown, fired in ripple mode, reloaded,
flown, and fired out in single mode. Upon completion of the flight firing,
the launchers will be visually inspected for damage and defects. The launchers
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