| ![]() MIL-L-85824A(AS)
FED-STD-751 and shall contain 6 to 10 stitches per inch. The ends of the
stitching shall be backstitched by overlapping on Itself with continual stitching
for not less than 1/2 inch.
Thread breaks, skips, and run-offs shall be
Proper thread tension shall be maintained
overstitched not less than one inch.
All thread ends
so that there shall not be any loose or overly tight stitches.
shall be trimmed to a length not greater then 3/8 inch.
The color of the life raft and components shall be as specified
3.6 Color.
in the applicable drawings.
3.7 Markings.
Markings shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-130 and
Ink, color, size, and location of the markings
applicable drawing requirements.
Letters and numerals, 1/4 Inch or less in height,
shall be as specified therein.
All markings shall be legible, durable, permanent, and
shall not be stencilled.
thoroughly dry prior to folding, preservation, and packing.
Each life raft shall be identified by a serial number
3.7.1 Serial numbers.
which will be assigned by the manufacturer.
Serialization shall be achieved by a
block of consecutive numbers to cover the entire acquisition quantity. Markings
shall be in accordance with 3.7.
3.7.2 Warning tag. A warning tag conforming to drawing 1106AS111 strung with
twine, shall be securely tied around the carbon dioxide manifold.
shall be in such a manner that will make the tag conspicuous.
3.8 Performance characteristics.
The life raft, when inspected for
3.8.1 Operation (carbon dioxide).
operation as specified in 4.8.2, shall inflate to its design shape, as shown in
It shall inflate to its design shape in not more than 30
drawing 1521AS102.
seconds without any evidence of Impediment or blockage to the flow of the carbon
The life raft shall not show any
dioxide gas or restriction by any component.
The corrected pressure shall be
evidence of material or construction failure.
not less than .25 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) nor more than 2.0 psig.
The pressure in the life raft carbon dioxide chamber shall
3.8.2 Pressure.
All the seams
be not less than 4.75 psig, when inspected as specified in 4.8.3.
There shall be no evidence of construction or
shall remain perfectly intact.
material failure in any respect.
When tested as specified in 4.8.4,, and
3.8.3 Leakage., the pressure in the chamber being tested shall not be less than 1.60
All the seams shall remain perfectly intact and there shall be no evidence
of material or construction failure in any respect; nor shall there be any
distortion or twisting of the chamber. The oral inflation valve when depressed
shall operate without restriction to the flow of air and shall shut off the flow
of air completely when released.
When weighed as specified in 4.8.5, the life
3.8.4 Weight of the life raft.
raft shall weigh not more than 4.2 pounds.
3.8.5 Strength of attachment of the manifold stem and the oral
inflation assemblies. When tested as specified in 4.8.6, there shall be no
evidence of material or construction failure in any respect.
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