| ![]() MIL-L-85824A(AS)
4.7 Inspection conditions.
4.7.1 Atmospheric conditions.
Unless otherwise specified in the contract,
all the inspections required by this specification shall be conducted at an
atmospheric pressure of 28 to 32 inches of mercury and at a temperature of 77
18 degrees Fahrenheit (25 10 degrees Celsius). If the final values of the
ambient temperature or barometric pressure, at the end of the 4 hour wafting
period of the leakage Inspection (see 4.8.4) are different from the initial
values recorded at the start of the inspection, the following corrections shall
be made to the final pressure readings in psig.
For each degree Fahrenheit rise in
Temperature correction.
temperature 0.031 psig shall be subtracted from the final pressure reading.
each degree Fahrenheit drop in temperature, 0.031 psig shall be added to the
final pressure reading.
The corresponding correction per degree Celslis is 0.056
psig. Barometric pressure correction.
For each 0.1 inch of mercury rise in
barometric pressure, 0.049 psig shall be added to the final temperature-corrected
pressure reading.
For each 0.1 inch of mercury drop in barometric pressure,
0.049 psig shall be subtracted from the final temperature-corrected reading.
4.7.2 Pressure measurement.
The pressure shall be measured by means of a
mercury manometer or gauge calibrated in tenths psig or tenths inches of
Inches of mercury can be converted to psig by multiplying the inches of
mercury by 0.049.
4.7.3 Inspection area and equipment.
The area in which the life rafts are
Inspected, shall be adequately protected to preclude damage to the units.
area and inspection equipment shall be free of sharp or rough edges, burrs,
protrusions, and anything else which will cut, tear or damage the life raft or
4.7.4 Air.
When use of air is specified in an inspection, the air used shall
not contain any oil, water or water vapor.
4.8 Inspection methods.
4,8.1 Visual examination.
Life rafts.
Every life raft shall be examined visually for critical
defects to determine conformance to this specification. Each life raft, selected
as a sample unit from the lot, shall be thoroughly checked dimensionally and
examined visually for minor defects to determine conformance to this
The classification and list of defects, tables IV and V, as
applicable, shall be used to classify and enumerate the defects found.
4.8. 1.1.1 Gaskets.
Each top and bottom gasket shall be visually examined and
dimensionally checked for conformance to prior to Installation. Table
IV shall be used to classify the defects found. Packaging.
Each of the fully prepared shipping containers,
containing life rafts, selected as a sample unit from the lot, shall be visually
examined to determine that the preservation, packing, folding, and marking
The list of defects, table VI, shall be used to
conform to this specification.
enumerate the defects found.
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