| ![]() MIL-L-85824A(AS)
4.5.1 Sampling.
4 5.1.1 Inspection lot.
4.5. 1.1.? Life rafts.
An inspection lot size shall be expressed in units of
one life raft made essentially under the same conditions and from the same
The sample unit shall be one life raft.
materials and components.
4.5. 1.1.2 Packacging. An inspection lot size shall be expressed in units of
one fully prepared shipping container, containing life rafts, fully prepared for
dellvery-using essentially-the same materials and components. The sample unit,
fully prepared for delivery, need not be sealed. Sampling for tests and examination of the life rafts and
The sample size, acceptance criteria, tests, and examinations
required for the life rafts and packaging, as applicable, shall be as specified
in table III.
4.6 Quality conformance verification inspection at an inspection
Upon completion of the tests and examinations specified in, a
random sample shall be selected from each lot in accordance with MIL-STD-105,
Inspection Level 5-3, (see 6.2.11).
The sample size shall be based only on the
applicable sample size code letter corresponding to the Inspection Level S-3.
Each life raft selected as a sample unit shall be identified by its assigned
serial number (see 3.7.1), and shall be forwarded to the Government laboratory
specified in the acquisition document (see 6.2.lb), for the following tests and
examinations (listed sequence mandatory):
(3.8.4 and 4.8.5)
(3.8.1 and 4.8.2)
(3.8.3 and 4.8.4)
(3.9 and
(3.9 and
The serial number of the units in the lot, represented by the sample units, shall
be furnished to the Government laboratory. The initial cost of tests and
examinations will be borne by the Government, however, the cost of tests and
examinations of sample units resubmitted from a reworked lot, or from a new lot
which may be necessitated by the rejection of a previous lot, shall be borne by
the contractor.
Sample units from a rejected lot shall not be resubmitted for
tests and examinations without the approval of the contracting officer. Upon
completion of testing, the sample units will be returned to the contractor at the
The Government activity responsible for conducting the
contractor's expense.
inspection program (see 6.2.lh) shall report the results of tests and
examinations to the designated inspection and acceptance office specified in the
Final acceptance is based upon successful completion of
acquisition document.
the inspection program by the cognizant Government quality assurance
representative/ specialist; applying the applicable acceptance criteria specified
in table III .
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