| ![]() MIL-M-17059A(SHIPS)
The words "thermal protection" for motors equipped with thermal protectors.
Federal stock number.
Government contract number.
Year of manufacture.
Blank space for Government inspector's official stamp.
These words may be shown on a separate plate if desired. Universal motors. -
(a) Manufacturer's name.
(b) Manufacturer's type and frame designation.
Horsepower output.
(d) Time rating.
(e) R. p. m. at full load.
(f) Voltage.
(g) Full-load amperes (on 60 cycles).
(h) Frequency (60/DC is recommended form).
(i) Federal stock number.
(j) Government contract number.
(k) Blank space for Government inspector's official stamp.
3.3 Repair parts. - Each repair part shall be suitable for immediate use in replacing originally installed
parts in any identical motor, and the operation of the motor in which such repair parts are installed shall be
equal to that of the original machine. The design shall be such that no special tools are required for main-
taining the motors. Special tools are defined as those tools not listed in the Federal Supply Catalog. (Copies
of this catalog may be-consulted in the office of the Government inspector.) The requirements of MIL-R-
15137 shall apply.
3.3.1 Onboard repair parts. - Quantity. - Repair parts, based upon the total number of motors or parts furnished for each
ship (see 6. 1) on a contract or order, s hall be supplied as specified in table VII.
Table VII - Onboard repair parts.
When brushes are supplied with springs as a component part of each brush it is not necessary to furnish
springs as a separate item.
If any gear is not readily removable from its shaft, the shaft shall be furnished as a repair part.
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