| ![]() MIL-M-17059A(SHIPS) Shipping onboard repair parts. - Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, repair
parts shall be inspected and shipped at the same time as the motors. Separate inspection and shipment will
be satisfactory only when an acceptable schedule of shipment of onboard repair parts has been arranged be-
ween the manufacturer and the ordering activity.
3.3.2 Stock repair parts. - Quantities of stock repair parts (that is parts required to replace onboard
repair parts or those required for repair of a motor but not specified as onboard) and their stock numbers
shall be determined in accordance with MIL-P-15137.
3.4 Drawings. -
3.4.1 General requirement. - Drawings shall be class A in accordance with MIL-D-963 and as speci-
fied herein.
3.4.2 Service A motor drawings. - Service A drawings shall contain the data required by
3.4.3 Service C motor drawings. - Service C drawings shall contain the data required by
3.4.4 Two drawing system for service A motors. - Where practical, a two drawing system may be
used. This system shall consist of a family design drawing plus a specific application drawing. Family design drawing. - This drawing may cover various lengths of motors for a particular
frame diameter, various frame diameters for motors of similar mechanical construction or enclosure or
other natural groupings as may lend itself to an individual manufacturer's line. Application drawing. - For specific applications, an application drawing shall be submitted
for approval along with a copy of the approved family drawing. Drawing content. - Family design drawing. - This drawing shall contain all construction details required by which can be applied to a drawing of this nature. Tables may be included on the drawing to cover
such variations within a family as bearings, fits and tolerances, insulation materials, and so forth. The
list of material should include all material applicable to the family. Part numbers shall be omitted where
they will change for different units within the family (these numbers will be picked up on the application
drawing) unless they can be easily represented in tabular form.
-- Application drawing. - This drawing shall contain the data required by 3. 5.2.4 plus all
information required-by and not included on the family drawing. The family drawing shall be
referenced on the application drawing. Drawing approval. -
3. Family design drawing. - The approval authority for the original submission and any
subsequent modifications shall be the Bureau of Ships. Application drawing. - The approval authority shall be the Bureau of Ships or its field
representative delegated such approval authority.
3.5 Requirements applicable to individual services. -
3.5.1 Service A. - General. - Service A motors shall conform to MIL-E-917 and shall be a class HI shockproof
motor meeting the requirements specified in 3.1 to 3.5.1 inclusive, as applicable. Standardization. - Motors shall be in conformance with the standardization requirements
shown on figure 1 for general purpose motors, and MIL-P-17840 for close-coupled pump motors. For
applications where the use of standard motors is not practical, nonstandard motors may be used subject to
approval of the procuring activity. Where nonstandard motors are procured, the requirements of figure 1
herein and MIL-P-17840 shall be used as a guide. Materials. - Material restrictions. - The minimum requirements for materials to be used shall be as
specified in table VIII. --
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