| ![]() MIL-M-17059A(SHIPS)
10.1 This appendix covers a list of items which should be included in the in-process inspection of
Service A motors furnished in accordance with this motor specification. This list is not an all inclusive list
and additions and deletions as applicable can be made by the manufacturer.
20.1 Not applicable.
30.1 To facilitate the in-process inspection procedure the manufacturer shall prepare a manufacturing
flow chart showing the normal flow of materials, parts, subassemblies, and assemblies through the manu-
facturing process. The manufacturer shall indicate on the flow chart the points at which the manufacturer
conducts in-process inspection and these points shall be designated as inspection stations.
30.1.1 The manufacturer shall list what items of inspection occur at each of his inspection stations.
This list and inspection documents including tolerance standards, inspection requirements and criteria for
acceptance and rejection shall be at the inspection station and made available to the Government. Positive
records of the inspection results shall be made verifying conformance to all inspection requirements. Such
records shall either physically accompany each item or lot of items or shall be otherwise made available to
the Government. Marking of items after inspection to indicate acceptance is not considered an inspection
30.1.2 The words "approved drawing'" as used herein mean a required drawing (that is, class A draw-
ing) approved by the cognizant approval activity, or a manufacturer's shop drawing if needed for in-process
inspection to depict details not shown on required drawing. Manufacturer's shop drawings which agree with
approved required drawings may be used for in-process inspection. Inspection requirements are not to be
waived or reduced by selection of drawings.
30.2 General inspection items. - General inspection items shall be as follows:
(a) Material is as specified on approved drawing. Material was ordered in accordance with ap-
plicable material or component specification and was inspected in accordance with the re-
quirements of the material or component specification.
(b) All welding and brazing is done by qualified welders, and is in accordance with approved draw-
ing. There is no evidence of non-fusion, weld cracks, under-size welds, incomplete welds,
heavy porosity, weld splatter or slag.
(c) AH soldered connections are solidly bonded; there is no cold soldering, no rosin joints, no
corrosive flux, no fractured joints, or excess solder. Satisfactory connections were made
prior to soldering. Bolted connections include approved locking devices and are secured
against vibration. Solderless connectors are properly crimped; the connector and crimping
tool are proper size.
(d) Finished castings shall be as shown as on approved drawings and are clean and free of molding
sand, cracks, blow holes, splits and deformations. Sufficient material is allowed for ma-
chining. Casting defects have not been covered by unauthorized repairs.
(e) Machining shall be as shown on approved drawings. The surfaces, including mating surfaces,
as applicable, are smooth, square and are free of burrs, sharp edges, chatter marks, and
scratches or damage due to handling. Surface finish is as shown on approved drawing and
there are no tool marks except those normally associated with the indicated surface finish.
There are no flaws exposed in the material as a result of machining.
(f) No parts are Government surplus or have been previously used or reclaimed.
(g) All items including hardware (nuts, bolts, lockwashers, and so forth) are made of corrosion
resistant material or are given a corrosion resistant treatment as shown on the approved
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