| ![]() MIL-M-17059A(SHIPS)
(h) The Government may require a coil or winding to be cut apart to see the extent of varnish
treatment and filling if there is question as to the effectiveness of varnish treatment used.
(i) All bolts, nuts, set screws and other fasteners are secured in a manner which will preclude
loosening in service. All locking devices are as shown on the approved drawing.
(j ) Insulation creepage and clearance distances are in accordance with approved drawings. Creep-
age distances were not achieved by means of cemented or butted joints.
30.3 Items to be inspected prior to assembly. - Items to be inspected prior to assembly shall be as
(a) Shafts. -
(1) Items (a), (b), (e), and (f), of 30.2 apply.
(2) All dimensions, tolerances, keyways, fillets, shoulders, threads, and surface finish are
as shown on approved drawing.
(3) Eccentricity tolerances including out of round for the bearing seats, bearing shoulder,
collector ring seats, and the core seats are as shown on the approved drawing.
(4) After welding on appurtenances, shaft has been stress relieved as shown on approved draw-
(5) The shaft was not built up in any way to correct errors or reclaim material (unless specific
case basis approval of Bureau of Ships is obtained in advance).
(6) All shoulders are square as shown on the approved drawing.
(b) Commutator assemblies. -
(1) Items (a), (b), (d), (e), (f), and (j) of 30.2 apply.
(2) All dimensions and dimensional tolerances are as shown on the approved drawing.
(3) Manufacturing and assembly processes used are as specified on the approved drawings.
Specific temperatures and curing cycles are as shown on approved drawing.
(4) Brush contact surfaces are smooth and are free of sharp edges, burrs, porosity, tool or
chatter marks. Slip ring grooves have no burrs.
(5) Terminal studs are fixed to the rings in a positive manner as shown on approved drawing.
(6) Terminal stud insulation is as shown on the approved drawing.
(c) F a n s .
(1) Items (a), (b), (d), (e), (f), (g), and (j) of 30.2 apply.
(2) All dimensions and the number and contour of blades are as shown on the approved draw-
(3) The fan surfaces which move the air are free from any irregularities, surplus weld mate-
rial or any other projections which may be a source of excessive airborne noise.
(4) Fans which break down into several parts are indexed in a manner such that they can be
assembled in one way only.
(d) End shields and bearing housings, end caps and frames. -
(1) Items (a), (b), (d), (e), and (f) of 30.2 apply.
(2) Sufficient metal is available for drilling and tapping.
(3) All drilling, tapping and bolt centers are as shown on the approved drawing. Holes are
clean, free of chips and are drilled straight. There are no burred threads. Holes are
spot faced and are located so that edge distance is adequate in accordance with approved
(4) End shields and frames were cleaned, and given a coat of primer and enamel or a coat of
rust preventive before storing.
(5) The end shields, except mating surfaces, such as bearing housings and rabbets, are
cleaned, primed and painted on the inside surface prior to assembly. The inside of the
frame is primed and painted if it did not receive at least two dips and bakes in the varnish
treatment of the stationary electrical components.
Mating surfaces of shields and frames are concentric and square as shown on approved
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