| ![]() 3.1 Material. Materials and parts shall be
evaluation specified in In all testing
in accordance with applicable specifications
inspection, the use of the equipment specified
and drawings.
and the methods of test prescribed in this spe-
cification and other documents referenced
3.2 Assembly. The assembly shall comply
herein shall be mandatory. Results of all ex-
with all requirements specified on Drawing
aminations and tests performed under this
quality assurance system shall be made avail-
(dwg.) 82-0-112 and all drawings referenced
able to the Government. The contractor shall
thereon and with all requirements specified
in applicable specifications except as modified
notify the Government of and obtain approval
for any change to the written procedure that
affects the degree of assurance required by
this specification and other documents refer-
3.3 Moisture content of black powder. The
moisture content of the black powder shall
enced herein.
not exceed .80 percent when tested in accord-
ance with 4.4.1, Submission of data. At the time the
product is submitted to the Government for
3.4 Functioning. The mine shall function
acceptance, the contractor shall supply the
and meet the burning time limits of 3.8 to 5.5
following information accompanied by a certi-
ficate which attests that the information pro-
seconds when tested in accordance with
paragraph 4.4.2.
vided is correct. and applicable to the product
being submitted:
3.5 Workmanship. All parts shall be free
(a) A statement that the lot complies
of chips, dirt, grease, rust, and other foreign
with all quality assurance provi-
material. The cleaning method used shall not
sions and requirements as required
be injurious to any of the parts nor shall the
by the contractual documents.
parts be contaminated by the cleaning agents
(b) Number of units of product in-
(c) Results obtained for all inspections
4.1 General provisions. The detailed qual-
(d) Drawing and specification numbers
ity assurance provisions of this specification
and dates, together with an iden-
are applicable to inspection performed by or
tification and date of changes.
for the Government and shall be performed
as prescribed below. Reference shall be made
(e) Number of items in lot.
to Standard MIL-STD-109 in order to define
(f) Certificates of analysis including re-
terms used herein.
suits of tests on materials used in
the lot.
4.1.1 Contractor quality assurance system.
(g) Date submitted.
The contractor shall provide and maintain
an effective Quality Assurance System accept- The certificate shall be signed by a
able to the Government covering the supplies
responsible agent of the certifying organiza-
procured under this specification. A current
tion and shall be accompanied by evidence of
written description of the system shall be sub-
the agent's authority to bind his principal.
mitted to the contracting officer prior to initi-
ation of production. The contractor shall not
4.1.2 Government verification.
be restricted to a particular quality assurance
system. However, the system adopted must be
one which consistently results in material At the beginning of the contract and
until such time as the contractor has oper-
meeting the requirements as evidenced by the
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