| ![]() MIL-M-38510/15B
1. The D input pulse generator has the following characteristics: VGEN = 3 V, t1 = t0 ≤ 10 ns, PRR = 500 kHz at
50 % duty cycle. For subgroups 7 and 8, PRR ≤ 25 kHz at 50 % cuty cycle and PRR (D input) = 1/2 PRR
2. The clock pulse generator has the following characteristics: VGEN = 3 V minimum, t1 = t0 ≤ 10 ns, t(HOLD) =
tP(CLOCK) = 30 ns, t(SETUP) = 25 ns and PRR = 1 MHz. For subgroups 7 and 8, PRR ≤ 50 kHz.
3. Each latch is tested separately.
4. CL = 50 pF, which includes probe and jig capacitance.
5. RL = 390 Ω 5%.
The Q waveforms are not applicable to device type 02.
All diodes are 1N3064 or equivalent.
Figure 5. Switching test circuit and clock to output waveforms for device types 01 and 02.
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