| ![]() MIL-M-38510/62B
6.4 Superseding information. The requirements of MIL-M-38510 have been superseded to take advantage of the
available Qualified Manufacturer Listing (QML) system provided by MIL-PRF-38535. Previous references to MIL-M-
38510 in this document have been replaced by appropriate references to MIL-PRF-38535. All technical requirements
now consist of this specification and MIL-PRF-38535. The MIL-M-38510 specification sheet number and PIN have
been retained to avoid adversely impacting existing government logistics systems and contractor's parts lists.
6.5 Abbreviations, symbols and definitions. The abbreviations, symbols, and definitions used herein are defined
in MIL-PRF-38535 and MIL-HDBK-1331, and as follows:
GND .................................................. Ground zero voltage potential.
VOTH ................................................. High level threshold output voltage.
VOTL .................................................. Low level threshold output voltage.
VITH ................................................... High level threshold input voltage.
VITL ................................................... Low level threshold input voltage.
VEEL .................................................. Shifted power supply voltage for the purpose of ac testing.
TJ ...................................................... Circuit junction temperature.
TC ..................................................... Case operating temperature range.
PD ..................................................... Circuit power dissipation.
θJA .................................................... Junction to ambient thermal resistance in C per watt.
θJC .................................................... Junction to case thermal resistance in C per watt.
6.6 Logistic support. Lead materials and finishes (see 3.3) are interchangeable. Unless otherwise specified,
microcircuits acquired for Government logistic support will be acquired to device class B (see 1.2.2), lead material
and finish A (see 3.4). Longer lead lengths and lead forming should not affect the part number.
6.7 Substitutability. The cross-reference information below is presented for the convenience of users.
Microcircuits covered by this specification will functionally replace the listed generic-industry type. Generic-industry
microcircuit types may not have equivalent operational performance characteristics across military temperature
ranges or reliability factors equivalent to MIL-M-35810 device types and may have slight physical variations in relation
to case size. The presence of this information should not be deemed as permitting substitution of generic-industry
types for MIL-M-38510 types or as a waiver of any of the provisions of MIL-PRF-38535.
6.8 Test limit compensation examples.
A device which has a power dissipation of 100 mW in case F is to be tested under a zero air flow condition. On
figure 5 ĆTJ between 500 ft/min and zero air flow is +4C. In order to adjust the various parameter limits use
figure 7 which defines the limit adjustment coefficients for ĆTJ. To adjust VOH(max) at -55C, use the +ĆTJ
column of the -55C portion of figure 7 and locate the coefficient corresponding to VOH(max). This value is 1.25
mV/C. Multiply the ĆTJ by the coefficient and algebraically add it to the -55C VOH(max) limit from table III.
VOH(max) (adjusted limits) = (+4C x 1.25 mV/C) + (-880 mV)
= 5 mV -880 mV = -875 mV
Use -875 mV
Follow the same procedure to adjust the remaining parameters at -55C as well as all parameters at +25C and
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