| MIL-M-38510/9E
Device type 01
Positive logic:
Mode control = L for right shift.
Mode control = H for left shift or parallel load.
Transfer of information to the output pins occurs when the clock input goes from a logical H to a
logical L.
Device type 02
Positive logic:
Low input of clear sets all outputs to logical L.
Clear input is independent of clock.
Preset is independent of the clock or clear inputs
The flip-flops may be independently set to the logical H state by applying a logical H to both the preset input of the
specific flip-flop and the common preset input.
Transfer of information to the output pins occurs when the clock input goes from a logical L to a logical H.
The clear input shall be a logical H and the preset input shall be at a logical L when clocking occurs.
The proper information shall appear at the R-S inputs of each flip-flop prior to the rising edge of the clock input
voltage waveform.
Figure 2. Truth tables and timing diagrams Continued.
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