| ![]() MIL-M-45664E(MU)
be positioned so that it contacts the front or the rear button provided on
the left side of the test standard, and then adjusted to read zero with re-
spect to the indicating hand. Apply a slow steady pressure of ten pounds,
by means of a push-pull gage conforming to Drawing A8644448, to the oppo-
site side of the dial indicator contact point; and then upon releasing the
pressure, the indicating hand of the dial indicator shall not exceed the
tolerance specified in 3.5.2. Reverse the equipment and repeat the above
procedure. Upon satisfactory completion of this portion of the test, re-
peat the entire above procedure at the front and rear buttons on the right
side of the test standard.
4.6.5 Shield assembly.- A manual inspection of the shield assembly
mechanism shall be made. Press the plunger to release the mechanism, if
the shield is covering the aperture, an upward push to raise the shield
for operation must be made. When the mechanism is pushed to the maximum
point the plunger will lock the shield in place. To close, press plunger
and pull to closed and locked position. There shall be a free and unre-
stricted movement as required by 3.5.3.
4.6.6 Headrest horizontal travel.- The manual testing of the headrest
assemblies can be accomplished at the same time is being performed.
The assemblies shall meet the requirements of Retention. - The torsional load applied shall not restrict
the headrest from being adjusted to the full up or down positions by hand
and must stay positioned as specified in
4.6.7 Interchangeability.- This test shall be performed utilizing
the maximum and minimum gages conforming to Drawings F11732148 and F11732149
respectively, to determine compliance with 3.2.1.
5.1 Packaging, packing and marking. - Packaging, packing and marking
shall be in accordance with Packaging Data Sheet 8619450 or 11727490. The
level of protection shall be as specified in the procurement document.
6.1 Intended use. - The Periscope Mount: M118 is used to support eith-
er the Periscope, Tank: M32 or Periscope, Tank: M35; the Periscope Mount:
Ml18El supports either the Periscope, Tank: M32, or Periscope, Tank: M35E1.
6.2 Ordering data.- Procurement documents should specify the follow-
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