| ![]() MIL-45690A(MU)
Order of precedence
each direction and the elevation knob shall
provide a minimum of 40 mils in elevation
Dimensions and tolerances
as read on the respective scale, bucklash ex-
Inorganic protective surface finishes
Part identification and marking Backlash. Backlash in the elevation
and azimuth boresight movement shall not
3.4 Environmental.
exceed 0.05 mil,
3.4.1 Vibration. With the mount secured
3.5.3 Boresight locks. With a 60 pound
in its normal operating position and both
inch load applied to each boresight lock, there
boresight movements secured by means of the
shall be no movement in azimuth or elevation
locking levers, the mount shaIl be vibrated
when a torque of 20 pound inches is applied
at a constant frequency of 30 cycles per sec-
to each boresight knob. Locking with 60
ond with an amplitude of 1/16 inch ( 1/81 inch
pounds inches torque and unlocking of the
total excursion) for a period of 5 minutes
boresight locks shall not cause any change in
plus or minus 15 seconds, after which it shall
the azimuth and elevation alinement of the
meet all requirements of this specification.
3.4.2 Temperature. The mount shall be
3.5.4 Ho/der assembly. The holder assem-
exposed to ambient temperatures of minus 40
bly shall permit installation and clamping of
degrees and plus 150 degrees F. until thermal
a medium having a spherical mounting sur-
equilibrium is reached at each temperature
face measuring 3.106 inches in diameter. The
and inspected at each temperature to the ap-
assembly shall remain rigid; removal shall
plicable requirements of
be without restriction, and the clamping
screw shall not be adversely affected as a Operability. The running torque
result of having clamped the spherical sur-
required to rotate the azimuth and Elevation
face in the holder assembly and applying a
Boresight knobs shall not exceed 8 inch
force of 6 pounds parallel to the longitudinal
pounds when checked at room temperature 60
axis of the spherical surface.
to 90 F., and shall not exceed 15 inch pounds
when checked with the mount thermally sta-
bilized at 40 F. and at +150 F. The slip
scales shall be movable at any of the above
4.1 Responsibility for inspection. The sup-
plier is responsible for the performance of all
inspection requirements as specified herein.
3.4.3 Bellows. Bellows shall be examined
Except as otherwise specified, the supplier
co insure against deterioration after the
may utilize his own or my other inspection
mount has been subjected to the temperat-
facilities and services acceptable to the Gov-
ures of 3.4.2.
ernment, Inspection records of the examina-
3.5 Performance.
tions and tests shall be kept complete and
available to the Government as specified in
3.5.1 Alinement. By means of the azimuth
the contract or order. The Government re-
boresight knob, the holder assembly shall be
serves thc right to perform any of the in-
set at its midpoint of travel in azimuth, and
spections set forth in the specification where
the scale slipped to the (3) position in coin-
such inspections are deemed necessary to as-
cidence with the index and, the elevation
sure supplies and services conform to pre-
boresight knob set to the extreme limit in
scribed requirements.
depression, and the scale slipped to the "I"
position o determine the following require-
4.l.1 General provisions. The quality aS-
surrance provisions of this specification and
3.5.2 Movement. Theazimuth knob shall
of other documents referenced herein form
provide a minimum of 20 mils movement in
the basis for inspection to be performed by
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