| ![]() MIL-M-45690A
4.2.3 Disposition of nonconforming prod-
the supplier. Inspection shall be in accordance
uct. Rejected lots shall be screened for all
with the requirements of Specification MIL-
defective characteristics. Removal or correc-
I-45208 and the component inspection re-
tion of defective units and resubmittance of
quirements of specification MIL-F-13926.
rejected lots shall be in accordance with "Ac-
Definitions of inspection terms not otherwise
ceptance or Rejection" as specified in Stand-
defined herein shall be as listed in Standard
ard MIL-STD-105.
4.3 Control tests.
4.2 Inspection provisions.
4.3.1 General. One mount shall be selected
4.2.1 Inspection lot. Unless oterwise
at random from each 100 produced, or from
specified by the contracting officer, inspection
each months production, Whichever occurs
lot size, formation, and presentation of lots
first. Control samples shall have successfully
shall be in accordance with "Presentation of
met all acceptance tests specified herein prior
Product" specified in Standard MIL-STD-
to conducting the following examinations and
4.2.2 Examination and tests. Components
Test procedure
Control test
and subassemblies shall be inspected in ac-
Per drawings &
cordance with the inspection provisions cont-
ained in Specification MIL-F-13926 and List
Visual & Drawings
of Supplementary Quality Assurance Provi-
General construction 3.3
sions, LSQAP-8574690. Examinations and
4.3.2 Temperature tests. Three mounts
tests related to section 3 herein shall be per-
shall be selected at random from each 50 pro-
formed on a defect (individual characteristic)
duced, or from each months production,
basis in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-
whichever occurs first, to determine compli-
105, and the inspection level and sampling
ance with operational temperatures as speci-
p]ans specified in table I titled "classification
fied in 3.4.2,, 4.5.2 and 4.5.3.
of Defects." Examinations and tests for
Packaging, Packing and Marking shall be
4.3.3 Control test failure. Should the con-
in accordance with Specification MIL-P
trol test sample fail to meet the specified test
14232 and section 5 herein. The tabulated
requirements, acceptance of the product will
classificfition of defects shall constitute the
be suspended by the Government until neces-
minimum inspection to be performed by the
sary corrections have been made by the con-
supplier prior to Government acceptance or
tractor and the resubmitted samples have
rejection by lot. The Government reserves
been approved.
the right to inspect for any applicable re-
4.4 Inspection equipment. Except as other-
quirement, and to reject individual nOncOn-
forming items.
wise provided for by the contract, the
contractor Shallfurnish and maintain all re-
TABLE I. Classification of defects
quired measuring and testing equipment in
Use Level II of table I with Sampling Plan
table II-A of Standard M1L-STD-105.
accordance with the "Inspection Equipment"
requirement of Specification MIL-I-45208.
The Government reserves the right to use
the test equipment for its own independent
inspections to the extent that such use will
not unduly interfere with the contractor's
delivery schedule.
4.4.1 Gorernment furnished inspection
equipment. Where the contract provides for
Government furnished test equipment, care
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