| ![]() MIL-M-45945A
after interchange of parts using the test methods specified in
Parts shall
4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3, 4.5.5, and 4.5.6, respectively.
be identified with their manufacturer throughout the test.
Before machine guns are returned to the contractors, the original
parts shall be reassembled to their respective machine guns and
given a hand functioning test to assure proper operation.
4.5.8 Endurance test.
Testing of machine guns for Firing fixture.
endurance requirements (see 3.4.8) shall be accomplished with the
machine guns held in a firing fixture conforming to drawing
7273925 and 11703783. Test duration. A total of 10,000 rounds or until
failure occurs, whichever is smaller, shall be fired in the
initial test machine gun from each test lot.
Firing shall be accomplished Firing Procedure
Every other belt shall be fired in
using 100-round belts.
interrupted bursts with at least 10 intentional interruptions in
firing. All other belts shall be fired in one continuous burst.
The belts of ammunition shall hang unsupported vertically from
the firing fixture feed tray for a distance of not less than 4
feet (see drawing 7273911). The ammunition and links shall be in
accordance with Maintenance of test hardware The machine gun shall
be cooled to ambient temperature after each 400-round series
The cyclic rate of fire
using cooling aids other than water.
It shall be
shall be measured and recorded on each fifth series.
permissible to clean and oil the machine gun at intervals of not
less than 2,000 rounds. At the close of each day's firing, the
machine gun shall be protected against corrosion. No parts shall
be altered and only parts broken or worn to the extent that they
are unserviceable shall be replaced.
Complete accurate records shall be Firing records.
kept for each endurance test, showing each malfunction and part
replacement including the number of the round at which each
occurred and corrective action taken. Disposition of test hardware. At the completion of
the endurance test, the machine guns shall be disposed of as
specified in the contract (see 6.2).
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