| ![]() MIL-M-45945A
4.5.9 Reliability test. The three machine guns are each
fired 50,000 rounds in 10,000-round cycles from a Government-
approved firing fixture simulating ground tripod mounting.
Unless otherwise specified, the firing is conducted in 200-rounds
complements, alternating between firing schedules No. 1 and No. 2
(below). Two barrel assembies are to be used alternately
(change after 200 rounds) with each weapon and are cooled to
ambient temperature after each 200 rounds. Firing should be
accomplished using 100-round belts.
schedules Schedule
No.1; 10 + 1 round burst at a rate of
one burst every 6 seconds; used for complete complement of 200
rounds. Schedule No. 2; 25 + 1 round burst at a rate of
one burst every 15 seconds; used for complete completment of 200
rounds. Cleaning schedule. The weapons shall be cleaned,
inspected and lubricated after each 2,000 rounds and relubricated
after each 1,000 rounds. Semi-fluid lubricant confoming to MIL-
L-46000 is to be used. . Barrel
life. Initial
maintenance. At the start of test
during thelast 30 rounds of each of the final 200-round
complements for each barrel in each 10,000-round gun cycle;
cyclic rate shall be measured; and accuracy Projectile velocity,
and evidence of yaw or keyholding determined. Result shall be
compared with the criteria in
Informational test measurements. For informational
purposes, the cyclic rate of fire shall also be recorded over a
20-round burst. Cyclic rate instrumentatzon shall be the same as
for function firing. The accuracy and projectile velocityand
yaw of each barrel shall be measured from the firing of a 10-
Targets shall be placed at a range of 100 yards
round burst.
Projectile velocities shall be measued abd recorded
instrumentally at a point 9 yards forward of the muzzle. The yaw
or keyholding shall be determined from the 10-round burst
Firing schedules No. 1 and N0. 2 do not apply during these 30-
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