| ![]() MIL-M-45945A
material to the Government. This shall include commercial
contractors; subcontractors; Government-Owned Contractor-
operated (GOCO);and Government-Owneded, Government-Operated (GOGO)
6.4.2 Technical data packaqe (TDP). A technical description
of the item adequate for use in procurement. The description
defines the required design configuration and assures adequacy of
item performance It consists of all applicable technical data
such as plans, models, performance requirements, quality
assurance provisions and packaging data.
defect. Adefect that judgement and
6.4.3 Critical
experience indicate is likely to result in hazardous or unsafe
conditions for individuals using, maintaining, or depending upon
the product; or a defect that judgment and experience indicate iS
likely to prevent performance of the tactical function of a major
end item such as an aircraft, tank, land vehicle, missile
artillery, or other major weapon system"
6.4.4 Special defect. A defect,other than Critical, that
judgment and experience indicate may, depending upon the degree
of variance from the design requirement:
Result in hazardous or unsafe conditions for individuals
using, maintaining or depending upon the product, or
Prevent performance of the tactical function of a major
end item.
Test firing facilities and
6.5 Facilities and Procedures.
operating procedures should be designed by the contractor in
conformance with local, state, and federal regulations. They
should be suitable for carrying out prescribed firing tests and
insure the safety of operating and visiting personnel. Copies of
these contractor designs should be forawrded to the contracting
Government facilities may be viewed upon application to
the contracting officer.
6.6 Work Programming. When action by a testing agency is
required, work programming will be affected with the testing
agency at the earliest practicable date.
6.7 Supply of ammunition. To avoid delay in test firing,
the contractor should maintain a minimum of 2 months supply of
ammunition as determined by anticipated firing requirements.
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