| MIL-M-45974(WC) Interplant. When machine guns are manufactured concur-
rently by more than one contractor, each contractor shall forward monthly
six machine guns, for the interplant interchangeability test specified in (see 6.1). The contractor will be informed of any failure of the
machine guns to meet prescribed requirements. Certification. Unless otherwise specified, the contractor
shall furnish the Government representative with certified statements
that each inspection lot conforms to the materials and processes speci-
fied on the applicable drawings and specifications. Component parts and concurrent repair parts testing. Raw
material testing, part testing and certification shall be performed in
. accordance with the criteria specified in the contract (see 6.1). This
will include chemical analysis and physical tests of materials, and
tests of protective finish, heat treatment, bonding and function of parts,
as applicable. The contractor shall accomplish these tests prior to
assembly of parts into the end item.
4.5.4 Inspection equipment. Acquisition, calibration, maintenance and disposition.
Unless otherwise specified (see 6.1), responsibility for acquisition,
calibration, maintenance and disposition of acceptance inspection and
test equipment prescribed on the applicable Quality Engineering Data List
and for all other inspection equipment required by applicable specifica-
tions, shall be in accordance with MIL-I-45607 and MIL-C-45662. The
applicable Quality Engineering Data List shall be as specified in the
contract (see 6.1). Accuracy of standard measuring equipment. When commercial
and modified commercial inspection and test equipment is used, it shall
be capable of repetitive measurements, by various experienced inspection/
test personal, to an accuracy of ten percent of the total tolerance of
the characteristic being inspected.
4.5.5 Packaging examination and testing. Unless otherwise specified
(see 6.1 ), packaging examination and testing shall be in accordance with
4.6 Test methods.
4.6.1 Firing pin indent test. Each sample machine gun shall be
tested for firing pin indent, with both its assigned and spare barrel
assembly, using inspection equipment in accordance with Drawings D7274381
and C7318984. The machine gun shall be cocked and then held in a hori-
zontal position with the cover assembly opened. The holding fixture
containing the copper compression cylinder shall be inserted into the
barrel chamber, the cover closed, and the solenoid armature manually
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