| MIL-M-45974(WC)
depressed to release the bolt and indent the copper cylinder. The holding
fixture shall be removed from the machine gun and the depth of the indent
in the copper cylinder computed by measuring the distance from the original
surface of the copper cylinder (before indentation) to the bottom of the
firing pin impression. If any firing pin indent is not within the require-
ments, three more impressions shall be taken and the average depth of the
three indents of each test shall be within the requirements. All firing
pin indent impressions shall not be off center more than one-half the
diameter of the firing pin point.
4.6.2 Headspace test. Machine guns shall be tested for headspace
after proof firing in accordance with Drawing B7274136 using a contractor
designed Government approved holding fixture in lieu of F7274459 and
4.6.3 High-pressure resistance test. Machine guns shall be tested
by firing one high-pressure test cartridge. Testing shall be accomplished
with the machine gun mounted upright in a contractor designed, Government
approved firing fixture and with the safety shield in position over the
machine gun. Each barrel assembly shall have been proof fired and magnetic
particle inspected in accordance with the applicable drawing before assem-
bly to the machine gun for this test. Bolts and barrel assemblies to be
assembled into production machine guns shall be proof fired only as part
of the completed machine guns and magnetic particle inspected and marked
in accordance with the applicable drawing and other applicable documents.
Bolts and barrel assemblies to be used as repair parts shall be proof
fired independently of the production machine guns and magnetic particle
inspected and marked in accordance with the applicable drawings and other
applicable documents. After proof firing, machine guns shall be examined
for cracks, deformations and other evidence of damage and cartridge cases
shall be visually examined for bulges, splits, rings and other defects
caused by defective barrels. Proof marks shall be applied as indicated
on the applicable drawings on machine guns that have passed this test.
4.6.4 Functioning firing test. Machine guns shall be tested in accordance with the schedule
specified in Table II. Testing shall be accomplished with the machine
gun mounted upright in a contractor designed, Government approved firing
Table II
Functional Firing Test Schedule
All other
All other
machine guns
machine guns
20 rounds
Interrupted bursts
50 rounds.
50 rounds
20 rounds
One continuous burst
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