| MIL-M-45974(WC) Machine guns shall be tested mounted upright in a contractor
designed, Government approved firing fixture. Ammunition shall be fed to
the machine gun from the ammuunition box using 100 round belts. A total of 10,000 rounds shall be fired in the initial test
machine gun from each test lot regardless of the number of malfunctions or
unserviceable parts requiring replacement in order to complete the test. The machine gun shall be fired in series of approximately
200 rounds. The first 100 rounds shall be fired in interrupted bursts and
the second 100 rounds shall be fired in one continuous burst. Firing
shall be intentionally stopped (by deenergizing the solenoid) at least 10
times during the interrupted firing of 100 rounds. The machine gun shall
be checked to assure that the firing stops immediately when the current to
the solenoid is discontinued. The machine gun shall be cooled to ambient temperature after
each 200 round series using cooling aids other than water. The cyclic rate
of fire shall be measured and recorded on each fifth series. It shall be
permissible to clean and oil the machine gun at intervals of not less
than 2,000 rounds. At the close of each day's firing, the machine gun
shall be protected against corrosion. No parts shall be altered and only
parts broken or worn to the extent that they are unserviceable shall be
replaced. Complete, accurate records shall be kept for each endurance
test, showing each malfunction and part replacement including the number
of the round at which each occurred and corrective action taken. At the completion of the endurance test, machine guns shall
be disposed of as specified in the contract (see 6.1).
4.6.7 Interchangeability test. In plant. Machine guns. Machine guns shall be tested by disassem-
bling and then reassembling parts using the parts and prearranged system
prescribed below. Interchange of parts shall be accomplished by dividing
the parts of each machine gun into 10 groups of nonmating parts as shown
below and distributing the groups into 10 different trays until each tray
contains a complete machine gun. Groups of parts from machine gun number
1 shall be taken in order and placed in trays 1 through 10; groups of
parts from machine gun number 2 shall be taken in order and placed in
trays 2 through 10 to 1; groups of parts from machine gun number 3 shall
be taken in order and placed in trays 3 through 10 to 2, etc. Commercial
parts such as screws, nuts, washers and pins shall be placed in the same
tray as their mating or associate part. Any corrrnercial part rendered
unserviceable by disassembly shall be replaced without penalty to the
interchangeability test. The machine guns shall be reassembled using only
those parts which are in the same tray.
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