| MIL-M-45974(WC)
Firing shall be intentionally stopped by deenergizing the solenoid at
least five times during the interrupted burst firing. The machine gun
shall be checked to assure that the firing stops immediately when the
current is discontinued.
Rate of fire shall be measured and recorded on every tenth machine gun
during the one continuous burst firing using a electronic counting indi-
cator, or approved equal. Failure of any sample machine gun to meet the
cyclic rate of fire requirement shall be cause for measurement of the
cyclic rate of fire on the other nine machine guns represented. For the first 500 machine guns, the ammunition shall be
linked together in 100 round belts with a dummy cartridge separating each
50 rounds. For all other machine guns the ammunition shall be linked
together in 100 round belts with a dummy cartridge separating each 20
4.6.5 Targeting and accuracy firing test. Machine guns shall be
boresighted and fired with the machine gun mounted upright in a contractor
designed, Government approved firing fixture.
The machine gun shall be boresighted in the following manner:
Fully retract bolt.
Move barrel lock lever to open position.
Disassemble barrel assembly from receiver.
Assemble boresight telescope gage conforming to Drawing
C7797808 to boresight expanding mandrel gage conforming
to Drawing D7796858.
Insert mandrel with boresight into barrel socket hole in
Move barrel lock lever to closed position.
Boresight machine gun on sighting image depicted on
Drawing 75C21371. With the mount locked in the foresighted position, the
mandrel with boresight removed, and the barrel assembly reassembled to
the receiver, a 10-shot burst shall be fired for the targeting and accuracy
requirements using the solenoid. Machine guns may be fired at a range of not less than 25
meters with suitable correlations in the targeting and accuracy require-
ments as indicated on the targeting and accuracy diagram, Drawing
75C21371, and as approved by the contracting officer.
4.6.6 Endurance test.
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