| MIL-M-45986(WC) Heat treatment. Examination and tests of heat treated
components shall be in accordance with MIL-H-6088 or MIL-H-6875, as
applicable. Surface texture. When surface texture is is specified on
the drawing, examination and interpretation shall be in accordance
with ANSI B46.1. Welds and welding. Examination and
tests of welded
parts and welding procedures for aluminum alloys shall
be in accordance
withMIL-W-45205. Examination and testof welding
procedures for
steel parts shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-243 or
as otherwise
specified. on the applicable drawings. Magnetic particle inspection. When magnetic particle
inspection is specified on the drawing. the inspection shall be in
accordance with MIL-I-6868. Radiographic inspection. When radiographic inspection
is specified on the drawing, the inspection shall be in accordance with
the specifications referenced on the drawing. Protective finishes. Examination of painted surfaces
and inorganic finishes shall be in accordance with the specifications
specified on the applicable drawings and MIL-STD-171. Marking. Visually examine the identification plate
for compliance with the applicable drawing, for secure assembly, serial-
ization and to assure that all pertinent data has been applied.
4.5.3 Testing.
4.5.3,- Failure data. Under otherwise specified herein, all
tests shall be conducted on a complete recil mechanism, If test
requirements cited herein are not complied with, acceptance of the
recoil mechanism shall be deferred and the contractor shall accomplish,
as applicable, the following actions:
Conduct a failure analysis study performing a dimensional,
physical, and visual examination of the components which
are suspected to be the cause of failure or malfunction.
Evaluate and correct the applicable production processes
and procedures to prevent recurrence of the same defect (s)
in future production.
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