| MIL-M-45986(WC)
Examine recoil mechanisms, partially assembled recoil-
mechanisms, and components (including components and
subassemblies at in-process or final assembly) to insure
that material containing the same defect is purged from
the inventory and not presented to the Government for
d. Submit the results of the failure analysis and the cor-
rective actions taken to the Government for review and
approval prior to submitting a reconditioned lot or
reconditioned recoil mechanisms for retest. Performance characteristics testing. Each completely
assembled recoil mechanism shall be tested for performance character-
istics (see 3.3 and 3.3.1 thru 3.3.7) using the test methods specified
in 4.6. Failure of the recoil mechanism to comply with the requirements
shall be cause for rejection.
4.5.4 Inspection equipment. Unless otherwise specified herein,
responsibility for acquisition, calibration, maintenance anddisposition
of acceptance inspection and test equipment prescribed on List of Inspec-
tion Equipment Numbers EL12007800-I and for all other inspection equip-
ment required by applicable specifications, shall be in accordance with
4.5.5 Inspection of packaging, Unless otherwise specified (see
6.1), inspection to determine compliance with cleaning, preservation,
packing and marking requirements of the applicable packaging documenta-
tion, for the level designated in the contract, shall be as specified
in MIL-P-14232.
4.6 Test methods. Each recoil mechanism shall be checked for
nitrogen pressure, recoil oil, and other operating paramenters specified
on Drawing F12007800 prior to subjecting the recoil. mechanism to the
function firing test.
4.6.1 Function firing test. Each recoil mechanism shall be func-
tion fired as specified in 3.3.2. If simulation equipment is used, all
testing shall be done on a test stand at zero degrees with the variable
recoil locked for long recoil or short recoil, as specified. Simulation
equipment shall be capable of providing an impulse of 10,800 pound-seconds
applied at 8 3 milliseconds. A typical recoil oil pressure-time trace
is shown in Figure 1. Upon completion of function firing, the recoil
mechanism shall be subjected to-the tests specified in 4.6.2 thru 4.6.7.
4.6.2 Friction test, Pressure readings shal be taken and recorded
on the replenisher, the recoil rod assembly and the recuperator floating
piston assembly to determine that friction of these components does not
exceed the maximum limits specified in 3.3.3.
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