| MIL-M-45986(WC) Replenisher friction. The replenisher friction shall
be measured by applying pressure through the oil filling valve and
measuring the maximum pressure. Recoil cylinder friction. The oil line between the
Recuperator and the replenisher shall be blocked and one of the recoil
rods shall be released and extended 12 inches while leaving the other
fully retracted. The recoil cylinder friction shall then be measured
by applying pressure through the oil filling valve and measuring the
maximum pressure necessary to fully retract the extended recoil rod.
The other recoil cylinder shall then be tested using the same procedure. Recuperator friction. The oil line between the recuper-
ator and replenisher shall be blocked and, both recoil rods shall be
fully retracted. The recuperator friction shall then be measured by
applying pressure through the oil filling valve and measuring the maxi-
mum pressure necessary topump a minimum of 95 ounces of oil into the
system. The system shall then be filled back and the maximum pressure
measured. One recuperator friction is one-half the difference between
4.6.3 Nitrogen leakage test . A solution of soap and water shall
be applied to the nitrogen filling end of the recuperator cylinder, the
breech end of the air cylinder and the connections for the cross-over
tube between the recuperator and air cylinders when the System is pres-
surized. There shall be no evidence of soap bubbles when observed for
five minutes.
4.6.4 Reserve oil indicator test. Prior to replacement Of the
reserve oil, the reserve oil indicator shall be ch freedon
of movement throughout its entire range of travel. Upon replensihing
the reserve oils the reserve oil indicator shall be visually checked
for oil leakage around the piston stem.
4.6.5 Foamed oil test. Within five minutes after funcition firing,
a minimum of four ounces of oil shall be withdrawn S1OWly from the re-
coil mechanism into a glass beaker. The recoil mechanism shall be
rejected, if, after exposure to the atmosphere for one minue, the
quantity of foam exceeds five percent by volume, and when aeration
bubbles in the oil do not disappear after exposure to the atmosphere for
15 minutes.
4.6.6 Contaminated oil test. Within five minutes after function
firing, two ounces of oil shall be drained from the purge hole of the
recuperator cylinder. Particles contained in the sample shall be
measured to determine compliance with the maximum limits specified in After function firing, bleed oil until recoil rods are fully
extended and. remove recoil cylinder breather end caps. Remove excess
oil from recoil cylinder and visually examine for soring using a
light source.
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