| MIL-M-45986(WC)
shall be sealed with. caps or plugs, as applicable, in accordance with
MIL-C-5501. Unit pack. The unit pack for
mechanism shall
be Method I and as specified herein:
Wrap the entire recoil mechanism with barrier material
conforming to Type I9 Grade A, Class 2 of MIL-B-121.
Secure wrap to adjacent surfaces with tape conforming
to PPP-T-42.
Overwrap barrier material with osnaburg cloth conforming
-to Class 2 of CCC-C-429. Secure the overwrap with tape
conforming to Type 111, Class 2 of PPP-T-60.
Overspray the osnaburg cloth at least one inch onto adja-
cent surfaces with strippable compound conforming to
Type II, Class 1 of MIL,-C-16555, applied in successive
layers until a thickness of 0.035 .005 inch is obtained.
Provide a one inch opening on the underside of the sprayed
recoil mechanism to allow for drainage of entraped mois-
5.2.2 Level B. Cleaning, drying and preservative application. Cleaning
drying and preservative application shall be the same as specified for
Level A (see, and Unit pack. The unit pack for each recoil mechanism shall
be the same as specified for Level A (see with the following
exception : Delete the overwrap of osnaburg cloth (CCC-C-429) and
strippable compound (MIL-C-16555) and substitute an overwrap of Type 1
of MIL-F-130, secured to adjacent surfaces with tape conforming to
5-3 Packing, packing shall be Level Aor B, as specified (see
5.3.1. Level A. Each-unit-pack. shall be located in minimum
size wood shipping container conforming to Type II, Style A, Class 2
of MIL-B-26195 with. plywood superstructure. Blocking and bracing of
the container contents shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-1186. Clo-
sure of the container shall be in accourdance with MIL-B-26195.
5.3.2 Level B. Packing shall be the same as specified for Level
A (see 5.3.1)except the wood shipping container shall conform to
Type I of MIL-B-26195 in lieu of Type II.
5.4 Marking.
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