| ![]() Performance. Operate the two asphalt melters in parallel circulating
hot-oil at a temperature not greater than 450 F from an outside source of
hot-oil produced by a hot-oil heater (see 4.1.2). Make the parallel hookup with
the pipe and fittings specified in 3.10 and use a distributor as an asphalt
transfer pump. Unless otherwise specified (see 3.10.1), the asphalt melters and
hot-oil piping shall be arranged as shown in figure 1. Circulate the hot oil
through the two asphalt melters with the dedrumming tunnels empty until the oil
temperture has stabilized. Then charge the dedrumming tunnel of each asphalt
melter with 12 inverted 55-gallon drums (heads removed) full of asphalt cement,
grade 85-100 penetration at a stabilized temperature between 65 F and 75 F.
After the initial charge has been dedrummed and stabilized at 285 F place a
second and third 12-drum charge of 55-gallon drums full of asphalt cement, of
the same grade and within the same temperature limits aS the initial charge,
into the dedrumming tunnel of each asphalt melter. Determine and record the
continous time period required tO dedrum and melt the asphalt cement and to
raise the temperature of the a s p h a l t tamer. : to 285 F for the second and third
charges in both asphalt melters. The continuous time period shall begin after
the second charge of asphalt cement has been placed in both asphalt melters.
The time required for removing the drums from the initial charge and for making
the second and third charges shall be included in the recorded continuous time
period. Inability of the two asphalt melters to dedrum and melt the asphalt
cement and raise the temperature of the asphaly cement (2.640 gallons) to a
temperature of 285 F in a continuous time period of 106 minutes or less,
asphalt melters or piping not arranged as specified herein, or parallel hookup
of the two asphalt melters to the asphalt distributor not as specified herein
shall constitute failure of this test.
4. 5.2.4 Simulated rain. After the performance test has been completed, place
one of the empty asphalt melters in a position ready for operation and with all
doors closed, expose it to a simulated rain for a period of 10 minutes as
follows: Eight sprinkler-type nozzles with a 90-degree conical pattern shall be
connected to a water supply system which will provide water to each nozzle at a
nozzle pressure of not less than 50 psi. Nozzle capacitates at the operating
pressure shall not be less than 20 gpm. Two nozzles shall be directed at each
longitudinal side of the asphalt melter. These nozzles shall be directed
downward at a 45-degree angle from the vertical toward the junction between the
dedrumming tunnel and the melting and storage tank. The nozzle directional
centerline of one nozzle on each side shall lie in a vertical plane perpem
dicular to the side of the dedrumming tunnel located 4 feet from the drum
entrance end of the tunnel. (A nozzle directional centerline is defined as an
imaginary line through the center of the nozzle head and a point on the asphalt
melter at which the nozzle is directed.) The nozzle directional centerline of
one nozzle on each side shall lie in a vertical plane perpendicular to the side
of the dedrumming tunnel located 4 feet from the discharge end of the tunnel.
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