| MIL-M-52329C
Material not as specified.
Treatment and painting not as specified.
Lubrication devices not accessible or not as specified.
Identification or other marking, operating and safety instruction,
or manuals missing.
111. Workmanship not aS specified.
112. Electromagnetic interference suppression components and "
network not identical with approved model.
4.6.2 Tests. Test conditions. Prior to being tested, the mixing plant
shall be lubricated with oils and greases specified in 3 l 25. Oils
shall be those designated for use in the ambient temperature at which
tests are being performed~ During all plant tests, the engines shall
be governed at normal operating speeds which shall not be greater than
the highest continuous speed for which the engine has been qualified
Wood blocking for tests shall be furnished by the supplier. Where indi-
vidual components are tested with the use of power sources other than
the mixing-pl=nt engines, the component will be operated at the normal
plant operating speeds. As services and adjustments are performed,
the mixing plant shall be checked for ease of maintenance. Nonconformance
to 3.6 shall constitute failure of this test. Hydrostatic l Subject the items shown in tible IV to the
pressures specified therein for the time periods indicated. Any leakage
resulting from these tests shall constitute failure of this `test.
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