| MIL-M-52329C
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. Pump capacities. Run capacity tests on the pumps as shown in
table V under the conditiona specified therein. Unless otherwise specified
herein, pumps shall be tested in their assembled positions while being
driven by the regalar mixing-plant drive systems at normal operating
speeds. Capacities less than those specified in table V shall constitute
failure of this test.
. Cold-aggregate feeder hopper capacities. Fill the coarse-aggregrate
hopper and the fine-aggregate hopper, both with and without bin extensions,
with aggregate. Then remove and weigh the aggregate. Capacities less
than those specified in and shall constitute failure
of this test l Dryer fuel meter. Test the dryer fuel meter for accuracy
by diverting the fuel from the burner to a container. Weigh the fuel
after it has flowed into the container at a constant rate for 1 minute.
Test at 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and full capacity with number 2 grade oil without
preheating and nuymber 5 grade oil preheated to 200 F. Failure of
the meter to record properly the flow of fuel at any capacity shall
constitute failure, of this test.
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