| /--'
9 percent. Failure to produce high-type asphaltic concrete mix at the
capacities shown in table Ior nonconformance to 3.23 shall constitute
failure of this tests Individual capacity. Operate the individual units specified
in 3.14 through 3.32 for a period of not less than 1 hour. Determine Vehicle performance test. Tow each trailer using a Government-
loanded, 5-ton, 6 by 6, M52 truck-tractor (see 6.4) over highways for not Tandem-axle-assembly articulation. Tow the unit over
8-inch-high obstacles such that all combinations of wheels have passed
over the obstacles. Observe tire-to-surface contact, evidence of binding
or later interference, and, after returning the tandems to normal, measure the
tendems for evidence of mislinement. Rail and air transport. Sectionalize each unit of the mixing
plant for rail and for air transport. Then reassemble each unit.
Nonconformance to 3.7.2 and 3.7.3 shall constitute failure of these
tests. The test specified in for lifting and tiedown attachments
may be accomplished in conjunction with this test. Tiedown and lifting attachments. Apply the static load as
l ewlfled in 3.27 for lifting attachments and in 3.28 for tiedown attach-
ments to each attachment when mounted on its structural member. Weld
failure or permanent deformation of the attachment, fastenings, or any
structural member shall constitute failure of this test*
the contracting officer a report of tests required by MIL-STD-461.
Disapproval of the report shall constitute failure of this test.
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