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inner container shall be a type CF, class domestic, variety SW, grade
125, style optional box and the outer container shall be a V3c, style
optional box, both conforming tO PPP-B-636.
parts shall be secured,. and the indicator shall be covered with barrier
material conforming to MIL-B-121, type I, grade A, class 2, secured with
tape conforming to PPP-T-60, type I. Platform scales. The seales shall be disassembled. Surfaces
of components requiring a contact preservative shall be coated with type Hydraulic systems. The fluid supply tank, pump, and piping
shall be filled with hydraulic oil as recommended by the supplier.
The hydraulic system shall be actuated to assure complete coverage
of all interior surfaces and parts with the fluid. The ram shall be
fully retracted. Unpainted surfaces of the the, tank, piping, prep, valves,
hopper, control linkage, cable, and chain shall be coated with type
P-1 preservative~ Pumps. Pumps shall be preserved as follows: While the
pumps are being actuated, type P-l0, grade 2 preservative shall be
applied through the pump intakes in sufficient quantity to assure
coating of all interior surfaces all parts of the pump, piping, values,
spraybars, jets, and nozzles. Excess preservative shall be drained.
OpeningS into the spraybars, jets, and nozzles shall be saeled with
tape conforming to PPP-T-60, type I.
5.2.%.22 Pugmill . Exterior unpainted surfaces of the pugmill
be coated with type P-1 preservative. Interior surfaces of the
chamber, including the shafts and paddles, shall be coated with
P-10, grade 2 preservative, applied by fogging or spraying. The
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