| ![]() MIL-M-60170A(MU)
3.3.2 Extreme operating temperatures.- The mount shall meet the
applicable requirements of through while exposed to and
thermally stabilized at temperatures of -65 and +150F.
3.3.3 Standard temperature.- Unless otherwise specified herein,
the mount shall meet the following requirements while exposed to a
temperature between +60 and +90 F.
3.4 Orientation.- The requirements of 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 shall be
met with Datum Plane "A" in a horizontal plane within 2.0 degrees of arc
and the shield assembly and Mount Assembly 10513500 positioned as shown
on Drawing F1051336O. Unless otherwise specified, the shield shall be
in the raised position.
3.5 Vibration.- The mount shall show no evidence of physical failure
due to being vibrated successively along 3 mutually perpendicular axes.
Vibration shall be a simple harmonic motion, the frequency varying either
linearly or logarithmically from 5 to 55 to 5 cycles per second in 5 minute
cycles for a total of 15 minutes along each of the axes. The amplitude
of vibration shall be maintained constant at 1/64 inch (1/32 inch total
excursion). Following the vibration test, the mount shall meet the re-
quirements of 3.7.3, and shall then meet all of the following requirements.
3.6 Sealing.- The mount shall be capable of meeting this require-
ment while exposed to prolonged rainfall with the shield in the raised
position. Gasket 10513302 shall be capable of preventing water penetra-
tion below the contact surfaces when the periscope head assembly is posi-
tioned in the mount.
3.7 Periscope holding features.
3.7.1 Insertion and removal.- The mount shall permit insertion and
removal of the head assembly and body assembly of the periscope without
restriction. This requirement shall be met with the wiper blade raised
to prevent damage to the blade.
3.7.2 Periscope mounting repeatability.- An original line of sight,
through the periscope body assembly, shall not deviate more than 0.10 mil
due to repeated mounting of the body assembly to the mount.
3.7.3 Rigidity (line of sight retention) .- The mount shall be cap-
able of maintaining a previously established line of sight, through the
periscope body assembly, within 0.10 mil subsequent to vibration (see 3.5).
3.8 Operability .- The requirements of to inclusive
shall be met at the temperatures specified in 3.3.2 and 3.3.3.
3.8.1 Controls. Periscope locking lever.- Lever Assembly 8589900, shown on
Drawing F10513500, shall be manually operable through the range required
to secure and permit removal of the periscope body assembly.
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