| ![]() MIL-M-60903A (AR) Marking foils. Marking foils must be chosen for
compatibility with the materials being marked to effect good
adhesion. Type. Type shall consist of vertical capitals of
Gothic or similar design. Flat-faced type shall be used for
marking on flat surfaces such as on tape and polyvinyl sleeving,
and curved-faced type for marking on curved surfaces such as on
wires, cables, and sleeving where the type used shall be the
largest size which will produce impressed characters on the par-
ticular size of material.
3.2.3 Procedure. The marking machine shall be fitted with
the correct size type, guide blocks, and foil and then heated
to the proper temperature before marking is begun. The section
of the insulation to be marked should be well supported and
centered under the type and the surface should be as parallel
to the face of the type as possible; otherwise, some of the type
may cut through the insulation before all the characters are
printed. The optimum dwell time and pressure used for each type
and thickness of material shall be determined prior to marking
the production part. (The operation varialbes must be care-
fully controlled. A short dwell time of 1 second or less is
normally employed except for nylon insulation which requires a
dwell time of 1 to 2 seconds. Polyvinyl plastic can be marked
at 400 25F. and polyethylene and synthetic rubber insula-
tion at 375 25F. Nylon requires a temperature of approxi-
mately 450F. Automatic machines may require higher temperature
than hand-operated machines since shorter dwell times are
normally employed.) Hook-up wires. Markings on hook-up wires shall
be of two types as specified on figure 1. Either type may be
employed unless otherwise specified on the product drawing.
Type I
- Markings shall be applied recurrently along the
length of the wire with at least one marking
appearing near each end.
Type II - Markings shall be applied twice at each end of
the wire as illustrated. Markings may in addi-
tion appear at intervals along the length of
the wire.
Markings need not be applied a specific distance from the end
of the wire but shall be applied in such a location that the
designation is readily visible near the end of the wire after
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