| ![]() MIL-M-60903A (AR)
3.1 Designations.
3.1.1 General application. The required designations shall
be applied by the method specified on the product drawing using
the applicable procedure specified herein.
3.1.2 Manufacturer's designation. When required, manufac-
turer's code letters will be assigned by the procuring activity
and shall be located as shown on the product drawing. In addi-
tion, the date code shall be marked by the manufacturer, when
required, in accordance with the following system:
"A" for January, "B" for February, etc., "77" for 1977, "78" for
1978. etc. Example: "D78" indicates April 1978 manufacture.
3.2 Hot-stamp marking.
3.2.1 General information. When hot stamping is specified,
the outer jacket or sleeving insulation shall be marked using
inked marking foils designed for the particular material being
marked. The marking shall be impressed to a depth not exceeding
one-fourth of the thickness of the material. Markings shall be
white on black, dark brown, dark blue, dark red, dark green, and
dark purple material. Markings on other colors shall be black.
Markings on transparent insulation sleeving shall be black except
when the materials underneath are dark colors listed above, in
which case the markings shall be white. Unless otherwise speci-
fied, markings on white hook-up wires shall be black, Or of a
contrast color to white if colored markings are desired to
facilitate production. The use of colored markings shall be
approved by the procuring activity prior to being used in
3.2.2 Equipment and accessories. Marking machine. Hot-stamp marking machines may
be either manually operated or automatic and shall be capable
of marking the various forms of insulation materials at tempera-
ture up to 500 Fahrenheit (F).
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