| ![]() MIL-M-63146(AR)
foreign matter. The cleaning method used shall not be in-
jurious to any parts, nor shall the parts be contaminated by
the cleaning agent. All required markings shall be neat and
sharply defined.
4.1 Responsibility for inspection and standard quality
assurance provisions. - Unless otherwise specified herein or
in the contract, the provisions of MIL-A-48078 shall apply and
are hereby made a part of this detail specification.
`4.2 Classification of inspections. - The following type
of inspection shall be conducted on this item.
Quality Conformance Inspection
First article inspection. - None required.
Quality conformance inspection
4.4.1 Inspection lot formation. - Inspection lots shall
comply with the lot formation provisions of MIL-A-48078.
4.4.2 Examination. - (See MIL-A-48078). Unless other-
wise specified in the classification of defects and test tables,
sampling plans for major and minor defects shall be in accor-
dance with MIL-STD-105, Inspection Level II. Equipment nec-
essary for the performance of the inspections listed shall be
in accordance with 4.3.4.
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