| MIL-M-63320A(AR)
4.5.16 Reset pins/bond pads. T h e resistance specified in 3.5.5
be measured using a Government approved ohrmmeter. D u r i n g this
test, 5.0 0.1 volts D.C. shall be applied between pins 8 and 16,
and the drive current from the ohmmeter shall be 100 microampere
maximum. Any device f a i l i n g to meet t h e resistance requirement of
3 . 5 . 5 shall be classed defective. ( N o n - d e s t r u c t i v e t e s t ) . .
4 . 5 . 1 7 Burn-in screen. A l l devices shall be subjected to the
burn-in screen in accordance with MIL-STD-883, Method 1015, Condition
D (168 hours minimum @ 125C 5C) and as specified herein. For
this test the device shall be connected as shown in Figure 15 and
c o n d i t i o n e d at the specified test temperature. The power supply
v o l t a g e applied to pin 16 shall be 7.5 volts dc and the conditioning
s i g n a l applied to the input pin 13 shall be as shown in Figure 15
A n y device failing to meet the requirement of shall be
classed defective. (Non-destructive test).
4 . 5 . 1 8 Steady s t a t e l i f e . D e v i c e s shall be subjected to the
steady state life test in accordance with MIL-STD-883, Method 1005,
Condition D and as specified herein. T e s t duration shall be 100
hours minimum at 125C 5C. F o r this test the device shall be
connected as shown in Figure 15, the same test set up as for the
b u r n - i n t e s t . E l e c t r i c a l parameters s h a l l be measured before, at
360 (+160, - 0 ) hours into, a n d after the steady state life test in
accordance with Method 1005 and Table II. A n y device failing to
m e e t the electrical parameters requirements of Table II shall be
c l a s s e d defective. ( N o n - d e s t r u c t i v e test).
test. A l l input device pins
4.5.19 Static discharge
h a v i n g input protection c i r c u i t r y for static discharge shall be
t e s t e d in accordance with the procedure specified in Figure 16.
4 . 5 . 2 0 Data requirements. T h e contractor shall submit lot
t r a v e l e r ( s ) and a quality inspection test! demonstration and
e v a l u a t i o n report giving all detailed inspection and test results in
a c c o r d a n c e with Data Item Description DI-R-1724 (tailored) format to
t h e technical agency listed in 6.5.
5 . 1 P r e s e r v a t i o n , packaging and packing. Devices to be
d e l i v e r e d under this specification shall be prepared for delivery in
accordance with the requirements of MIL-M-38510, Level C. E l e c t r o -
s t a t i c discharge (ES) protection in accordance with the requirements
of MIL-M-55565 shall be provided,
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