| MIL-M-63330 (AR)
4.6.8 Rigidity. Perform this test concurrent with the test in
4.6.7 utilizing the Gage 10541523. When the gage is inserted and
locked in the telescope cavity of the mount, it shall be subjected
to a visual and tactile examination for looseness and shake. The
telescope locking mechanism of the mount shall conform to the
requirements of 3.7.3.
4.6.9 Resolution. Position the mount as specified in 4.6.7.
This test shall be performed on the telescope cavity axis utilizing
an auxilliary telescope of at least 24 power with a 2 inch entrance
pupil, a resolving power chart (on a target or in a collimator
projector) representing the angular subtense for the seconds of arc
specified for resolution, and a supporting medium to receive the
test equipment as well as the item to be tested. The test method
and procedure shall be in compliance with the resolution test
specified in MIL-O-13830, except that the focus of the auxiliary
telescope shall be established at one best focus setting for
simultaneous viewing of the four meridians of the resolving power
chart. The resolving power chart shall contain four line sets as
shown in Figure 1 of MIL-O-13830. The limit of resolution shall be
within the value specified in 3.9 as determined by viewing through
the auxiliary telescope.
4.6.10 Light transmission. Light transmission shall be
measured utilizing a white light source and a photocell with
photometer. The measurement shall be made with the ALIGN and ERROR
(wedge) levers in their maximum counterclockwise position. The
light transmission as measured at the telescope cavity shall not be
less than the value specified in 3.10.
4.6.11 Astigmatism. This test shall be performed utilizing a
calibrated millidioptometer and the resolving power chart specified
in 4.6.9. The millidioptometer shall have a magnification of at
least twenty power (20X) with a 2 inch entrance pupil, and a
measuring range of at least plus or minus 6 millidiopters. Set the
millidioptometer objective sleeve to zero millidiopters and adjust
the millidioptometer eyepiece for best focus of the millidioptometer
reticle. Position the optical axis of the millidioptometer on the
mechanical axis of the telescope cavity. Best focus of each of the
4 quadrants that can be resolved by adjustment of the
millidioptometer objective sleeve shall be within the tolerance
(milliodiopters) specified in 3.12.
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