| ![]() MIL-M-63330 (AR)
4.6.12 Spherical power. Spherical power shall be measured with
the millidioptometer oriented as 4.6.11. Obtain best focus of the
numeral in the resolving target by adjustment of the
millidioptometer objective sleeve. The millidiopter value shall not
exceed the tolerance specified in 3.11 as measured on the
millidiopter scale.
4.6.13 Orientation. Position the mount on the testing
equipment specified in and project the calibrated target
image into the optical system of the mount. Adjust the intensity of
the light source in the target projector collimator to present the
target image to the observation telescope positioned at the
telescope cavity. When a filter is used with the observation
telescope positioned at the telescope cavity to compensate for the
intensity of the target image it shall be calibrated for deviation
error. The calibration of the filter shall be included in the
optical accuracy measurements of the telescope cavity. The entrance
window of the mount may be covered during the accuracy measurements
of the checksight image beam for best contrast of the checksight
image. Collimation, telescope to tracker. View through the
telescope positioned at the missile tracker cavity and obtain best
focus of the target image. The target image shall be super-imposed
on the reticle of the telescope within the tolerance specified in
3.8.1, as measured with the telescope reticle. Record any
deviation. View through the telescope positioned at the telescope
cavity and obtain best focus of the target image. The target image
shall be super-imposed on the reticle of the telescope within the
tolerance specified in 3.8.1, as measured with the telescope
reticle. Record any deviation. The two emerging lines of sight,
telescope and tracker, shall be parallel within the tolerance
specified in 3.8.1, as determined by the recorded values. Collimation, checksight-to-tracker. Perform this test
with the ALIGN lever in its maximum clockwise position and the ERROR
lever in the maximum counterclockwise position. Energize the
chopper motor and checksight lamp. View through the telescope
positioned at the missile tracker cavity and obtain best focus of
the checksight beam image. The checksight beam image shall be
superimposed on the telescope reticle within the tolerance specified
in 3.8.2 as measured with the telescope reticle. Record the
position of the checksight beam image with respect to the tracker
cavity axis.
NOTE: Where the centering of the checksight beam image exceeds the
tolerance of 3.8.2 by not more than 0.1 mil, the AZ or EL boresight
knobs maybe adjusted to center the beam image within the specified
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