| MIL-M-63984 (AR)
This test shall be performed as specified in
4 .5.2 Hardness.
Each heat treat batch shall remain segregated until
ASTM E 18.
completion of all required tests.
The slide handle clip of
Pull test of slide handle clip.
the base cover assembly shall be subjected to a tensile load of not
less than seventy-five (75) pounds in a direction perpendicular to
the surface of the base. The load shall be distributed
approximately equal over the four spot welds which hold the handle
Observation shall be made to determine
clip to the base cover.
compliance with 3.3.
The Belleville
Embrittlement of Belleville spring.
springs shall be tested for embrittlement by compressing the springs
until the minimum point of permanent distortion is reached.
If any
spring breaks when compressed to this point of distortion, it shall
be classed defective.
4.5.5 Function test. Ten (10) mines shall be selected from
each lot and tested as follows.
Fuzes (Practice: M604) shall be Fuze functioning.
assembled to each of the ten (10) mines and functioned by applying a
5.0) pounds to
load of four hundred fifty plus or minus five (450
Test functioning shall be in the
the top of the pressure plate.
The test shall be performed three
manner prescribed in Figure 1.
(3) times on each of the ten (10) mines thus utilizing thirty (30)
fuzes. Side cup well functioning. The ten (10) mines, tested
as specified in, shall have the side cup well tested by
assembling the Practice Activator, M1, and the Firing Device, M3,
into the side cup well of each mine. This test shall be performed
Any mine which has
three (3) times on each of the ten (10) mines.
been damaged beyond reuse when tested as specified in shall
not be used in this test. A replacement mine shall be used.
Failure of the Ml activator or the M3 firing device to function
shall not be considered a defect and the mine may be discarded. A
replacement mine shall be used and this test performed three (3)
The firing device shall be initiated by any suitable means.
times. Bottom cup well functioning.
The ten (10) mines,
tested as specified in and 4.5. 5.2, shall be tested as
specified in except that the bottom cup well shall be used
The use of
to assemble the activators and firing devices.
replacement mines and failure of activators and firing devices shall
be governed by the applicable provisions of Retest.
A retest using an equal number of samples may
be conducted for any or all of the tests of,, or provided that, in the original test:
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