| ![]() MIL-M-63984 (AR)
6.3 Cost of check test. The contracting officer will arrange
for the contractor to be reimbursed for the expense incurred in the
performance of the check test for deterioration of the activators.
The tests shall be conducted at Government expense without cost to
the contractor who loaded the activators or to the contractor
assembling the activators into the mines; and shall not constitute a
basis for rejection against either contractor except where
deterioration has occured as a direct result of carelessness in
handling, storage, etc., permitted while the activator lot was under
the jurisdiction of either contractor.
(See MIL-A-48078). Distribution of data cards
6.4 Data cards.
shall include the following: Commander, U.S. Army Armament Research
and Development Command, ATTN: DRQAR-QAT-M, Dover, New Jersey 07801.
Drawings listed in Section 2 of this
6.5 Drawings.
Specification under the heading US Army Armament Research and
Development Command (ARRADCOM) may also include drawings prepared
by , and identified as, Edgewood Arsenal, Frankford Arsenal, Rock
Island Arsenal or Picatinny Arsenal drawings. Technical data
originally prepared by these activities are now under the
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