| ![]() MIL-M-70742 (AR)
dimensions and tolerance limit used in the design of test
equipment shall be so selected and controlled as to insure that
the test equipment will reliably indicate acceptability of a
product which does not exceed 90% of the prescribed tolerance
limit and permit positive rejection when nonconforming.
Construction shall be such as to facilitate routine calibration of
test equipment. Test equipment. In conjunction with, the
following standard test equipment shall be utilized in the
performance of the applicable test as specified in 4.6.
Standard type conforming to
Hot & Cold Chamber
the accuracies specified
under test facilities of
Light source standard
Standard shop type accurate
Torque wrench
to 10% of drawing tolerance Device to test performance. Test equipment used to
perform acceptance shall be equal to or exceed the accuracies
depicted on drawing 11730831. Any equipment used to perform the
tests shall be submitted to the government for review (see 6.3).
4.6 Examinations and tests.
4.6.1 Environmental. Storaqe and operating temperatures. The mount shall
meet the applicable requirements of 3.6.3 to inclusive
while exposed and thermally stabilized at ambient temperatures of
+ 60 degrees Fahrenheit (F) to + 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The mount
shall then be placed in a government approved test chamber and the
temperature stabilized at +150 degrees Fahrenheit and meet the
requirement of 3.6.5. The temperature shall then be stabilized at
+160 degrees Fahrenheit for a period of 6 hours. The mount shall
then be thermally stabilized at a temperature of - 50 degrees
Fahrenheit and meet the requirement of 3.6.5. The mount shall
then be stabilized at an ambient temperature of - 80 degrees
Fahreheit for a period of 6 hours. subsequent to the temperature
cycle, the mount shall be visually and examined and shall show no
evidence of physical failure and meet all requirements of this
specification at standard ambient temperature (+60 degrees to +90
degrees Fahrenheit].
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