| ![]() MIL-M-70765 (AR)
6.9 Submission of results of contractor-conducted
examinations and tests. Data shall be submitted in accordance
with data item DI-R-1721 on the DD Form 1423 for the contract.
6.10 Mine functioning.
A premature functioning is considered to
6.10.1 Premature.
have occurred if either the detonator, piston actuator or gas
generator functions in less than 25 seconds.
6.5.2 Functioning. Satisfactory functioning of the mine is
defined as successful arming and explosive functioning of the S&A
after 25 seconds.
6.6 Submission of test data. In addition to the normal
distribution of records, when the mines are procured by the US
AMCCOM, one (1) copy of all data and ammunition data cards shall
be forwarded to: Commander, Picatinny Arsenal, ATTN: AMSMC-QAT-M
(D), Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000.
6.7 Submission of plans for approval. The plans required in
Section 3 shall be submitted to the following address for
approval: Commander, Picatinny Arsenal, ATTN: AMSMC-QAT-M (D),
Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000.
6.8 Safety precautions for molding compound and bedding
compound. When handling, mixing or curing the molding or bedding
compound or its constituents and compounds are toxic and exude
toxic fumes when mixed or heated. Use adequate ventilation.
Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing and prolonged or
repeated breating of fumes.
Preparing activity:
(Project 1320-A512)
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