| ![]() MIL-M-70779 (AR)
3.4.2 Tripline deployment. When the Sensor Assembly
functions in 3.4.1, the tripline shall deploy a minimum of 16 feet
when tested in accordance with
3.4.3 Breakwire function. When the pressure is released and
the line pulled, the breakwire shall break at a force of 140
grams, minimum, and 500 grams, maximum, when tested in accordance
3.4.4 Post retention and thread breaking strength. Following
the breakwire function, the post must be retained with in the
sensor case and the thread must not break when a 540 ram minimum
dislodging force is applied in accordance with
3.4.5 Molding material intrusion test. After molding into a
test brick, the sensor assembly when subjected to 250 + 25 psig
for 1 second maximum and while at a temperature of 75F 10F
shall release the cap, sleeve and bobbin assembly when tested as
specified in
3.5 Functioning of electronic circuitry. After molding into
the Molded Assembly, the electronic circuitry of the Molded
Assembly shall be tested as specified in Appendix A.
3.6 Mine loading. All demonstration mines shall be loaded
and packed for final lot acceptance testing specified in the
3.7 Temperature control during molding and cure of molded
assemblies. The Molded Assembly shall not have been subjected to
temperatures exceeding 165F at any time when examined as
specified in 4.5.8.
3.8 Soldered electrical connections. Soldered electrical
connections on the following assemblies shall comply with
MIL-S-46844 or MIL-S-45743.
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