| ![]() MIL-M-70779 (AR)
3.9 Void criteria for molded assembly. Void with dimension
larger than 1/8 inch across by 1/16 inch deep are not allowed
except within the large cavity below 1/4 inch from the open end.
Within this cavity, voids with dimensions greater than 1/4 inch
across by 1/4 inch deep are not allowed. In addition, voids in
the S&A and penthouse area of ball cavity are allowed to a maximum
dimension of 1/8 inch across by 1/8 inch deep, except the booster
pocket must be intact.
Comparison photographs or visual standards may be used to
establish visual accept/reject criteria for voids approved by the
Contracting Officer.
3.10 Color. The color of the molding compound in the Molded
assembly shall be within the range of the colors bounded by colors
numbered 34079 through 334102, inclusive of FED-STD-595.
3.11 Mine functions.
3.11.1 Anti-disturbance functioning. The mine shall function
in the anti-disturbance mode as the mine is disturbed by two (2)
different movements to two (2) different sides.
3.11.2 Breakwire functioning. The mine shall function in the
breakwire mode when any deployed tripline is pulled with a minimum
force of one hundred and forty grams (140 g) to max force of six
hundred grams (600 g).
3.11.3 Self-destruct functioning. The mine shall be capable
of self-destructing itself within the self-destruct minus 20% of
time limit.
3.11.4 Early functioning. The mine shall not self-destruct
itself by any internal mode within 80% of the self-destruct time.
3.11.5 Tripline deployment. The mine after ground impact and
with unobstructed field, shall deploy a minimum of three (3)
triplines with at least one (1) deployed tripline attaining a
minimum deployed length of thread of ten (10) feet and two (2)
others providing additional length to total sixteen (16) feet for
three (3) triplines.
3.11.6 Premature arming. The mine shall not deploy sensors,
fire the piston actuator or gas generator or position the slider
in line prior to 25 seconds after depression of the battery ball.
3.12 Duds.
3.12.1 Safe dud. The mine, if not functioned by any external
or internal mode, shall not function after the maximum
self-destruct time has elapsed.
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