| ![]() MIL-M-70779 (AR)
4.5 Methods of inspection.
4.5.1 Arming of S&A assembly. After removing the safety pin
from thirty (30) of the S&A assemblies, the piston actuator shall
be initiated, Standard safety practices shall be employed. The
slider should move to the full-armed position and the M100 fired.
A success will constitute a propagation from the M100 thru the
acceptor cup, transfer lead up to and including the lead cup.
4.5.2. Non-arming of S&A assembly. Thirty (30) S&A assemblies
shall be tested for non-arming by initiating the piston actuator.
The safety pin must remain intact, blocking movement of the
slider. Standard safety practices shall be employed. The S&A
assemblies in 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 shall be molded in test blocks. The
design of the test blocks shall be approved by the Government
technical agency prior to testing.
4.5.3 Qualification test of electric detonator, transfer lead
assembly and lead cup assembly lots. This qualification test
shall be performed for the combination of detonator serial lot,
transfer lead assembly and lead cup assembly serial lot. The
components to be used for this test shall be randomly selected
from the respective lots. All detonators selected for this test
shall remain shorted, (leads twisted) until immediately prior to
firing. The components shall be assembled into S&A's comprised of
housing, slider assembly, gasket and detonator side plate.
(Piston actuators are not required.) The S&A's shall meet
applicable drawing requirements, including those affecting the
gaps between the detonator, transfer lead assembly and lead cup
assembly. Detonating cord assemblies form an accepted lot shall
be suitably attached next to the lead cup assembly with a .020
inch minimum spacing between the two assemblies. The short shall
then be removed and the detonators shall be initiated from behind
an approved barricade using a suitable power source (a 100
microforad capacitor charged to 1.6 volts).
Observation shall be made for failure to initiate the
detonating cord assembly. Approved barricades shall be used for
assembling and testing these components. If the number of
assemblies failing to initiate the detonating cord exceeds the
specified acceptance criteria, that lot combination of detonators,
transfer lead assemblies and lead cup assemblies shall be rejected
for use in the housing, timing and fuzing.
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