| ![]() MIL-M-70779 (AR)
f. The mine shall be tested for anti-disturbance
functioning in accordance with the procedures of and the
requirements of 3.11.1 and shall be scored.
g. If the mine fails to function in the anti-disturbance
mode, another tripline form the adjacent breakwire circuit shall
be tested as noted above for breakwire functioning and shall be
h. If the mine fails to function in the second breakwire
attempt, it shall be left to time out for self-destruct
i. If the mine fails to function self-destruct, it shall be
tested in accordance with 4.5.14 for the hazardous dud
requirements of 3.13.2 (Destructive test). Self-destruct function. The mines selected for
self-destruct functioning shall be flagged and monitored for
detonation times. All times of detonation, early or normal, shall
be recorded (Destructive test).
4.5.12 Tripline deployment. All samples shall be visually
examined and measured when required for the tripline deployment
criteria of 3.12. Any mine failing to meet the specified criteria
shall be classed defective.
4.5.13 Hazardous dud evaluation procedure.
mine) Any mine which has failed to function in the breakwire
mode, anti-disturbance mode or failed to function self-destruct
after the maximum time out has elapsed shall be subjected to the
following inputs to determine if the detonator can be fired:
a. One additional tripline, on the item, shall be pulled.
All other triplines shall be cut so as not to activate the
remaining breakwires.
b. The item shall be tipped about the arc face, to the
slant face, to the apex and to the opposite slant face.
Repeat b.
The inputs shall be applied in the order listed above. If the
detonator functions when any of these inputs is applied, the unit
shall be classed as a hazardous dud. If the detonator does not
fire all these inputs are applied, it shall be classed as a
non-hazardous dud.
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