| ![]() MIL-M-70821 (AR)
3 .3.4 Air, gas and accumulator system. The gas system
shall be clean and free of all foreign matter. The water
content of the air used to blow the lines shall not exceed one
percent of the total volume of the air used. The system shall
be filled, bled, and refilled until all air and measurable
moisture are eliminated.
3.3.5 Cylinder pressure. The cylinders of the mount shall
withstand the pressures specified on the drawings without
damage, permanent deformation or leakage.
3.3.6 Lubrication. Lubricants conforming to MIL-G-10924
shall be used for the assembled mount.
3.3.7 Gas. The nitrogen used to charge and fill the gun
mount recuperator and replenisher shall conform to BB-N-441,
Type I, Grade B, Class I.
3.4.1 Mechanical gymnastication. Each mount shall be
subjected to the mechanical gymnastication test as specified in
4.6.1 without evidence of erratic movement and shall meet the
requirements of and During and after
gymnastication, the gun mount shall meet the requirement of
3.3.1, 3.4.5 and 3.4.6. Counter recoil (CTRR) time. The CTRR time for each
mechanical gymnastication shall not exceed the requirements
specified below.
Buffer Stroke Time
CTRR stroke Time
Elev. in Degree ,
3.000 - 5.000
3.500 - 5.500
0 0
3.000 - 80000
3.500 - 8.500
45 0 Long" Recoil
3.000 - 6.000
30500 - 6.500
45 short Recoil
3.000 - 6.500
3.500 - 7.000
The gymnasticator is set for 15 + 1 second pull back time at 0
elevation and 36.0 .2 inches from the battery. This setting is
not changed for other elevation simulations- 0perating rods. All operating rods shall be
inspected for scratches during and after completion of mechanical
gymnastication. Continued evidence of rod scratching will result
in teardown of the affected cylinder, polishing out the scratch or
replacing of the rod, replacing of the seals and cleaning and
inspection of the cylinder assembly components. Light scratches
that can be polished out and that do not re-occur with continued
cycling are not cause for teardown.
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