| ![]() MIL-M-81260A(AS)
Secondary Test Points. -An encircled capital letter (see
figure 9) shall be used to identify and designate test points used in isolating
causes of subnormal performance with a specific assembly or subassembly of
the equipment. These letters will always be identified on schematics, wiring
diagrams, tables, charts, and illustrations by use of capital letters (A, B, C
through Z; AA, AB through AZ; BA, BB through BZ, etc, ) enclosed in a circle,
but will be referred to in the text as test point A, test point B, etc. Typical ex-
amples of secondary test points are circuit supply voltage terminals, signal in-
jection points for gain measurements of a stage or a group of stages, and signal
output points used in checking the gain of a stage or group of stages.
Minor Test Points. - An encircled capital letter and Ara-
bic numberal (see figure 9) shall be used to identify and designate test points used
in isolating causes of abnormal indication within a specific circuit of the equip-
ment. Minor test points will always be identified on schematics, wiring diagrams,
tables, charts, and illustrations by use of a capital letter and Arabic numeral
A1, A2, etc, enclosed in a circle, but will be referred to in the text as test point
A1, test point A2, etc. Typical examples of minor test points to be so designated
are signal injection and output points of a stage for a check or measurement of
gain, specific voltage and resistance check points, and other points used in
checking for trouble in any specific circuit. Minor test points shall be numbered
separately and consecutively within each circuit, starting with A1, A2, etc for
the first circuit; B1, B2, etc, for the second circuit, etc.
Test Point Symbol Application.- Example of major, sec-
ondary, and minor test points are shown in figure 9.
Maintenance Checks for Critical Procedures. - Mainte-
nance check requirements shall be indicated for all maintenance procedures that,
if improperly performed, could cause equipment failure or jeopardize ground
personnel. The need for these maintenance procedure checks will be indicated
by use of underlining, italics, or bold type for an individual procedure when a
check must be performed prior to proceeding to the next step, or by summarizing
at the end of the maintenance procedure the checks that can he performed after
completion of the procedure. An explanation of the underlining, italics, or bold
type shall be included in the introduction to the manual.
Lubrication. - Unscheduled lubrication requirements shall
be provided in applicable assembly procedures. Scheduled lubrication not co-
vered by Maintenance Requirements Cards (MRC) shall be provided by depot
"Make From" and "Assemble From" Items. - Coverage
shall be provided for items assigned source codes to reflect `*make from" and
"assemble from" at the organizational and intermediate maintenance levels.
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